Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon*
All Al-Anon discussions should be constructive, helpful, loving,
and understanding. In striving toward these ideals, we avoid topics
that can lead to dissension and distract us from our goals.

  1. Discussions of religion: Al-Anon is not allied with any sect
    or denomination. It is a spiritual program, based on no particular
    form of religion. Everyone is welcome, no matter what
    affiliation or none. Let us not defeat our purpose by entering
    into discussions concerning specific religious beliefs.
  2. Gossip: We meet to help ourselves and others learn and use
    the Al-Anon philosophy. In such groups, gossip can have no
    part. We do not discuss members or others, and particularly
    not the alcoholic. Our dedication to anonymity gives people
    confidence in Al-Anon. Careless repeating of matters heard
    at meetings can defeat the very purposes for which we are
    joined together.
  3. Dominance: Our leaders are trusted servants; they do not
    govern. No member of Al-Anon should direct, assume authority
    or give advice. Our program is based on suggestion, interchange
    of experience, and rotation of leadership. We progress
    in our own way and pace. Any attempt to manage or direct
    is likely to have disastrous consequences for group harmony.